Personal injury is the legal term for an injury or illness that has been caused (or made worse) by someone else’s negligence. If you have suffered in these circumstances, you may be able to make a personal injury claim. An injury of any kind can affect your quality of life. Being out of work as a result of this injury may also affect your monthly household income. Our specialist personal injury solicitors are here to make the process easier for you and your family.
These accidents can occur when we least expect it. They could happen in a public place, at work, abroad or even on the road.
The majority of claims do not start in court. Generally, they are required by law to start with Injuries Board (with the exception of Medical Negligence, some assault cases and some cases where the injury is wholly psychological). Many people who apply to the Injuries Board do so with the help of a solicitor. This ensures that the process runs as smoothly as possible from gathering of documents, medical reports and evidence to submission of the application to consideration of the Injuries Board compensation suggestion.
Formally known as the ‘Statute of Limitations’, the legal time limit for a personal injury claim is usually 2 years less one day after the date of knowledge of the injury. In many cases, the date of knowledge will be the date the accident occurred. In some cases, a person may not realise their injury until some time after the accident and in such cases, the clock starts from that date.
For children who have suffered an injury, the process works a little differently. A minor cannot bring a claim forward themselves. On their 18th birthday, the clock starts at their 2-year time limit to make their claim. Alternatively, a parent or legal guardian can bring the claim forward on behalf of the child immediately after the accident. This is generally a more favourable option. As making the claim sooner rather than later means that it is easier to source reliable evidence to strengthen the child’s case.